Minggu, 19 Agustus 2018

Comparative analysis Well to wheel fuel economy and emission of conventional and alternative vehicle in Surakarta, Indonesia

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Muh. Nizam
Electrical Engineering department
Sebelas Maret University
Surakarta, Indonesia
Agus Mujianto
Mechanical engineering department
Sebelas Maret University
Surakarta, Indonesia
Hery Triwaloyo
Mechanical Engineering Department
Sebelas Maret University
Surakarta, Indonesia

Abstract Nowadays, the air pollution increase significantly. Transportation is the main cause of the increase in air pollution. This is cause of its growth, vehicle number growth rapidly. To solve this problem there was made electric cars. Electric cars have zero emissions. However, the electric car has the disadvantage that the high cost of batteries, short distances and inadequate infrastructure. One type of vehicle powertrain has been developed. That is plug in hybrid vehicle (PHEV). PHEV use two source of energy for vehicle they are battery and fuel.  It makes PHEV less emission than conventional vehicle. Indonesia is also currently running a program of emissions reduction and fuel savings. So the use of PHEV to Indonesia can be proposed. This study focused on analysis well to wheel fuel economy and emission of conventional and alternative vehicle (PHEV) in Indonesia  This study used Surakarta to represent Indonesia’s vehicle speed character. Advisor used to compare conventional vehicle and PHEV in fuel economy and emission. The result of this study is PHEV 31,85%  more economy than conventional vehicle. And PHEV less emission than conventional vehicle about 41.3% for HC, 46,8% for CO and 17,5% for NOx. From the results of this study, the PHEV has a great opportunity to replace conventional vehicles as a means of transportation in Indonesia.

Keywords—PHEV; emission; fuel consumption; fuel economy; Indonesia; Surakarta

                                                                                                                                                                 I.           Introduction

Nowadays air pollution increased significantly, and the main factor that caused it is the vehicle [1]. Significant growth vehicles made air pollution rises precipitously. In addition to air pollution, fuel consumption of vehicle was highest. In Europe the use of CO2 limits have been imposed so that the development of vehicles that can minimize CO2 emissions now been developed [3,4]. One of the vehicles that can be used is an electric vehicle [5-8].
Electric vehicles have zero emissions levels and fuel use. However, this solution affects the cost of the battery, mileage, and the infrastructure for charging batteries [9,10]. A better solution is to use hybrid vehicle. plug in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) can increase fuel economy of the vehicle and decrease its emission. usually PHEV called less emission vehicle [11].
Indonesia is also currently running a program of emissions reduction and fuel economy. This is evident from the government policy on emissions and the use of renewable energy. The growth of vehicles in Indonesia is also very significant that need the vehicle models that have high fuel economy and low emissions. System of hybrid vehicles can be offered to solve this problem. Focus in this study is the use of PHEV in Indonesia are represented by one of the city namely Surakarta. Surakarta is one of the cities in Central Java which was getting to be a crowded city, even the slogan from Surakarta is the spirit of java so expect Surakarta could be a model use of hybrid vehicles in the study.

                                                                                                                                     II.         plug in hybrid electric vehicle

Plug in hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that uses a minimum of two power sources. Hybrid vehicles are divided into three based on the configuration of its powertrain the series, parallel and series parallel. Series PHEV is a PHEV vehicle that uses the motor as a major driver while the ICE is used only to charge the battery. Parallel PHEV vehicle is a PHEV that uses a motor and ICE as a major driver, while the mixture is PHEV that use ICE vehicle and the motor as the prime mover, but ICE also works for charging the battery. The main components of PHEV are battery, motor, ICE, transmission and vehicle body.

                                                                                                                                                              III.        methodology

This study uses the contours of the vehicle speed at the town line solo. Contour speed obtained by driving a conventional car around town solo. Results contour used for simulation speed and conventional hybrid vehicles as the input speed. The road to pick up speed data looks like the figure 1.
Fig.1. the road of Surakarta that used as collect data for vehicle speed
This study used simulation-based on Advisor . Advisor is a program designed specifically for vehicle simulation. Specifications used vehicle is a vehicle PHEV whose data was taken from NREL. The specifications can see at table 1.
Table 1.  specification of vehicle
ICE peak efficiency (%)
Maximum power total (kW)
Maximum ICE power (kW)
Maximum motor power (kW)
Motor peak efficiency (%)
Battery storage system (kW)

Speed of vehicle as input at this simulation. In this study used flow simulation as method of simulation. Back flow simulation is speed as input and fuel consumption as output of the simulation. ICE engine was the most importance one of this study. ICE engine efficiency map can be seen at figure 2 below.
Fig. 2. Efficiency mapping of ICE engine

                                                                                                                                                 IV.   result and discussion

Conventional vehicle used to define speed chart in Surakarta city. In Surakarta many traffic jams that make vehicle can’t be accelerate and must be stopped. The characteristic of speed vehicle at Surakarta can see at figure 2.
Fig.2. Speed chart of Surakarta city
 This speed chart used as speed input at both of PHEV and conventional vehicle. PHEV and conventional vehicle compared at fuel economy and emission.

A.    Fuel economy

The simulation result show that PHEVs have more fuel economy than conventional vehicle about 31,85%. PHEVs have fuel economy 20,7 km/l and conventional vehicles have 15,7 km/l. it is influenced by the help from a battery mounted on a PHEV. The battery supplies power to the motor so that ICE does not work alone, it is assisted by the motor. The power from the battery that make fuel economy of PHEV higher than conventional. Vehicle power of PHEV is supplied by two that is batteries and fuel. So that the torque required by the vehicle is supplied by two drive well while the conventional vehicle, the torque needed only supplied by a single source so that the fuel becomes more extravagant. Comparison of the ICE torque and conventional PHEV can be seen in the figure 3 below:
Fig.3. comparation between torque of PHEV and conventional vehicle
 Figure 3 shows that torque of conventional vehicle higher than PHEV. It is make fuel consumption higher than PHEV. If the fuel consumption higher automatically fuel economy must decreased.
PHEV power was supported by batteries that plug at the vehicle. the power of battery substitute half power from fuel for vehicle power. The power of batteries decrease aver the road. The power of batteries represented by SOC (state of charge). SOC battery can see at figure 4 below:
Fig. 4. SOC of battery
 Figure 4 indicate that the power of batteries used to support vehicle power. The power batteries decrease is delivered to the motor. Motor supported ICE to supply power of vehicle. 

B.    Emission

Conventional vehicles have higher emission than PHEV. The emission number of both vehicle represent at figure 5 below:

Fig. 5. Emission of vehicle

PHEV can cut down the emission of conventional vehicle about 41,3% of HC, 46,8% of CO, and 17,5% of NOx. Emission affected by using of fuel. PHEV use less fuel than conventional vehicle. The flow rate of fuel consumption can see at figure 6 below:
Fig.6. fuel rate of vehicle
Fuel rate of conventional vehicle higher than PHEV. It is depending of torque requirement of ICE. At figure 3 shown that torque requirement of conventional vehicle ICE higher than PHEV. In other hand, speed chart take effect of torque requirement. The more stop, leads higher torque requirement.

                                                                                                                                                                 V.    conclusions

from the result of this study, about fuel economy and emission, fuel economy and emission depend on main source of energy. Conventional vehicles have less fuel economy and higher emission than PHEV’s.

                                                                                                                                                              VI.   Acknowledge

Thank you for the Directorate General Litabmas and Universitas Sebelas Maret for financing under PUPT research grant with contract number 353/UN27.21/PN/2016

                                                                                                                                                                  VII.  reference

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